
his is the information page of the CCNA Crime Watch. Report a crime or incident.This is for statistical and information-gathering purposes only. Your personal information will not be published. Please also report crimes to the Flint Police Department or Mott College Public Safety (762-0222), which has sworn police officers.

Eyes and Ears

Since most crimes happen in isolation, a Neighborhood Watch team is employed to act as an extra set of “eyes and ears” when a police presence is not always available. But a Neighborhood Watch group does more than canvass its community. In most cases, involvement creates opportunity to get to know those living in your geographical area, helping to open the lines of communication with local police and better overall cooperation among residents in crime prevention efforts. Participating in a Neighborhood Watch group builds confidence and encourages residents to take an active interest in one another’s properties and livelihoods.

The College Cultural Neighborhood Watch (CCNA) “eyes and ears” teams are made up of a Block Captain and additional neighbors.

Below are the roles and responsibilities of block captains and members, as well as a Contact Sheet, for use by the Block Captain to record and distribute contact information with the team members.

As a new Block Captain please register with the CCNW at this e-mail address:

Block Captains: Roles and Responsibilities

The key person in any Neighborhood Watch group is the Block Captain.  They and/or their representative are responsible for specific activities:
  • Create and maintain a current contact list of those within the group
  • Distribute to the neighborhood watch updated contact information, including police and the Mott College Safety Dept phone numbers as well as any information provided by the College and Cultural Neighborhood Association (CCNA), College Cultural Neighborhood Watch, city, or police officials
  • Meet with and educate new neighbors to your block on the activities of the  neighborhood watch
  • Attend CCNA and College Cultural Neighborhood Watch meetings to provide feedback to all neighborhood watch groups on your groups activities


Neighborhood Watch Members: Roles and Responsibilities

  • Be alert to suspicious activities in your neighborhood
  • Notify the Block Captain if your contact information changes
  • Learn neighbors’ names and be able to identify their vehicles and other vehicles usually in your neighborhood
  • Keep an up-to-date contact list and other important group information in an accessible and secure location
  • Notify the police, Mott security, and your block captain (if required) of any suspicious activity
  • DO NOT TAKE A PERSONAL RISK to prevent a crime or execute an arrest.  It is more important to have a healthy, injury free witness whose recollection of the incident is not tainted by fear, anxiety, or pain.  The safety and well being of every person in the group is most important.